Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Case Study: Rumsfeld & ABu Ghraib

Last night we did a case study on ethics and moral responsibility around Abu Ghraib. The case study itself was good, but we kinda rushed through it because of the lack of time which sucked.

But at one point, a fellow student announces that he was assigned to Baghdad Central Prison (originally called Abu Ghraib) in 2005-2006 (i.e. post the scandal) and was part of the team tasked with turning it around. And turn it around they did. Apparently prisoners leaving would tell him that they've never been treated so well in their lives - 3 square meals a day, a restful 8 hours of sleep.

It's just amazing to be doing a case study on such a pivotal moment in US history and have someone who was on the ground and experiencing it to be part of the analysis.