Monday, November 2, 2009

Intentions vs Outcomes?

Do intentions matter?

This was the question we were dealing with Corporate Social Responsibility in the context of social entrepreneurship.

A lot of companies out there really adopt CSR to green wash their brands. This sort of goes against the core ideals of social entrepreneurship - to have social missions at the core of the organizations mission. Examples of Chevron spending millions to advertise their 50000 donation to save some butterfly species exemplifies the greenwashing and spin in todays markets.

So is it social entrepreneurship if one's intentions and motivations are driven by social value?

I can see why you intentions are important. There's this thing with spin and being manipulated that makes you uncomfortable. And then to dilute the promise of social entrepreneurship along with it, just adds to the discomfort.

But how do you ever gauge someones intentions? Unless you're on a first name basis with someone then I don't see how you could know their intentions.

I think outcomes matter more than intentions. Call me results oriented, but if I can achieve my goal through CSR, then I have no issue with labeling it as social enterprise. Specially if this gives corporations motivation to contribute to the solution.

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