Saturday, September 19, 2009

End of my 2nd week

And there is a lot going on here.

I started the semester thinking I'd have a ton of free time, and in some respects I do, but there just is a lot going on and you easily get sucked in to so many different things.

This is what I'm taking this semester
1) Intro to Financial Management (should have placed out of this)
2) Stats (should have placed out of this as well)
3) Into to Public Policy by Rogan Kersh - I'm back in undergrad again, 200 person class room. I thought this was a private university? What's happening here? Jokes aside, looks like Kersh is going to make this a really interesting course
4) Intro to Social Entrepreneurship - The one class that I'm really psyched for. So far the class has been real fun. Doesn't get much better than Ben&Jerry's ice cream in class.

Looking at my schedule of this week though, I also had the
1) Career services event (fairly useful)
2) The stern business plan competition kick off (this is really going to suck up a ton of my time this sem)
3) The acumen "dog and pony show" @ stern - this was more a social thing to hang out with Sophie
4) Executive and Legislative clash policy seminar - extra credit for Public Policy. Glad I went, learnt something new.
5) Student faculty reception - nice, but didn't get to talk to Paul Light :(
6) WEFA kick off meeting - the finance club at Wagner, they really want to make sure they don't sit on their asses this year.
7) Bridge bash - most fun event of the week. I'm going to enjoy working with this crew.
8) Columbia's conference on the financial crisis - which I had to skip because of so much else going on.

Just looking back at this week, I'm going to have to start being very judicious with my time. And I'm def not making the mistake of trying to study/read at Puck. All I do is talk and socialize there. Very unproductive. But I did get to meet a whole bunch of cool people.


  1. I like your blog Rahil! even though i don't know who Sophie is and who Paul Light is. But I'm looking forward to sharing your school experience so i can decide if this is for me...

  2. Thanks Tanya. I'll keep blogging.
    Sophie is a friend of mine who worked with my at Drishtee (she's an Acumen Fellow).
    And Paul Light is a prof at Wagner. He's made a name for himself in the social entrepreneurship space. Pretty cool guy
