Saturday, September 5, 2009

Pre term week

This week was pre term week. And I really wasted this opportunity. I was waitlisted for 2 of the 3 classes I wanted to take. And the remaining activities, I just sort of blew off.

Not very smart of me. An entire week of activities and I attended just 2 events. Didn't even make it to happy hour.

Here is what I did attend:

Small Wallet, Big City - This was fun. Having lived in NYC for so long, I knew most of it already. But there was a lot of NYU specific stuff that I wasn't aware of. Who knew I could get cheaper movie tickets through NYU. Yay for Ticket Central! And if you are taking NJ Transit to Newark Airport, it's cheaper to buy the ticket for the stop after Newark Airport instead of buying direct to Newark. Who knew?

Running Efficient Meetings - This was the only pre term "class" that I actually get into (did I mention I hate ALBERT). What I found most helpful was how to construct an agenda for a meeting. I never thought of clearly listing out what the end outcomes of a meeting would look like (instead of just meeting objective). And while I have started doing prep work for a meeting I chair, I never thought of assigning prep work to other participants to 1) get their buy in and 2) enable the meeting. She recommended "How to Make Meetings Work" by Michael Doyle and David Straus. I'm going to try and pick this up at the library.

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